EASTERN OREGON MINING ASSOCIATION MEETING The meetings are held on the first Friday of the month. The next meeting is Friday, JULY 3RD at the Baker City Hall. The building is located at 1st and Auburn Streets in Baker City. The Board meeting starts at 6:00 PM. The general meeting starts at 6:30 PM.
JUBILEE 2015- Mark your calendars for July 17th, 18th, & 19th -Chuck Chase I just got through attending a Miners Jubilee Meeting last night, the good news is that it will be bigger and better than last year. People are stepping forward and taking over segments of the Miners Jubilee, spreading the work load. Our funding is better this year than last and that’s a help. The Jubilee Committee headed by The Baker City Herald team of Kari Borgen and Lynnette Perry have done such an outstanding job the last two years coordinating and making it work. They did such a good job that the Democrat Herald won Chamber Business of the Year in 2014 for bringing Miners Jubilee back from the brink. We have two sponsors this year, Ash Grove who has sponsored us over the years with contributions toward the mining events and rocks for our hand steeling event and Energy Trust who contributed toward our mining events last year. A big thank you for helping us out again, we really appreciate it. We have our mining venders covered the same as last year by our Miners Association insurance. We will be setting up on Thursday, the 16th, about 2:00 to start raising our tents and set up for the Silent Auction and kids panning. We really need auction items for the silent auction this year. We have had a few early birds make donations, Patty Burlew and Bob and Sharon Glazebrook, thanks for thinking of us guys. Please, we are going to need all the help we can get this year. So root through your shop, garage and storage room and see what you can pry yourself away from, and bring it to my place at 740 Valley Ave. Come up Plum Street south from Washington St. When you come to a big rock on your left with a American flag stuck in the top, pull in the drive way. If Bobbie and I aren’t there, you can drop it off by the shop, thanks ahead of time for your donations! ANSWERS FROM DOCTOR THOM SEAL If all goes well, Doctor Thom Seal, Professor of Metallurgy UNR, Mackay School of Mines will set up an information booth during Jubilee. Miners can bring their problem ores or questions to Dr. Seal and get them answered. Doctor Seal said he would be asking for donation to the EOMA of a dollar ($1) a minute to answer questions dealing with mineral problems. Doctor Seal said that if he can possibly work it out, he would be there. He is past Vice President of EOMA and is presently on the Board of Directors of the Eastern Oregon Mining Association and has been a long-time supporter of the EOMA.
FROM THE DESK OF THE PRESIDENT We know that the “doublespeak” in government documents has become clever at changing the meaning of words. As an example, “decommissioning” a road by the Forest Service can now mean that nothing is done on the ground, but the road is arbitrarily declared “decommissioned” from a desk. The wordsmithing is even more evident in the BLM Sage Grouse FEIS, since most people think they are protected from the government arbitrarily taking a citizen’s private property when the document says that “valid existing rights will be recognized”. BLM has cleverly changed the phrase to “documented valid existing rights” which clouds the issue of whether a mining claim that hasn’t been validated by the government through the mineral validity process is protected from the ability of the government to take your private property rights without compensation. Many thanks to Laura Skaer and the American Exploration & Mining Association for their comments on the Sage Grouse FEIS. Jan Alexander has also been working very hard on behalf of the EOMA to protest the many flaws of the document in the short time it has been available for the public to review. Certainly, we need many more people to become concerned about the tactics some of the government agencies are using to take away our private property rights. Tell your neighbors and friends, and let your Representatives and Senators know that you do not like the deceitful practices being used. Contact Senators at: http://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/ . Contact your Representative at: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/ . Become involved. Don’t allow a minority of active and powerful individuals to incrementally take away our rights as citizens because you remain silent and apathetic.
ACCESS TO MINING CLAIMS OBLITERATED BY THE FOREST SERVICE As the people who attended the last EOMA meeting know, we had special agent Mayte from the Forest Service as a guest speaker, and Forest Supervisor Tom Montoya was also present. Special agent Mayte had a lot to say about law enforcement on the National Forest. One topic that came up was access and road obliteration by the Forest Service. Specifically the destruction of the only access road to two of our member’s claims. Apparently, both agent Mayte and Supervisor Montoya erroneously had been told that there was another access road to these claims. They both said that they would look into the matter and report back to the EOMA. It has been almost a month and so far we have not heard anything from either of them. The miner wrote Jeff Tomac and requested that his access be reconstructed so he could get into his claims. He has also heard nothing concerning this illegal activity by the Forest Service. We will keep you posted.
BLUE MOUNTAIN FOREST PLAN REVISION COMMUNITY MEETINGS Even though the headquarters for the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest is in Baker City, the current schedule does not have a community meeting within a hundred miles of Baker City. LaGrande also does not have a scheduled meeting. The meetings are for public input on topics such as access, grazing, and the pace & scale for restoration projects. The closest meeting for the citizens of Baker County to attend is in Enterprise Oregon, July 13th, at a yet to be determined location from 6pm to 9pm. It is necessary for everyone to show up at these meetings and let the Forest Service know that you would like to be able to use your forests for more than creating smoke. The meetings will be monitored by Jack Southworth of High Desert Partnership based in Burns Oregon. High Desert Partnership has been active in facilitating collaborative planning. Their mission statement on tax forms is to “enhance, conserve, and protect natural resources”. You might want to ask why Baker City or La Grande is being ignored as a place to hold a meeting… Call Peter Fargo at 541 523 1231….you can find out where the meetings are being held at: http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/wallowa-whitman/landmanagement/planning/?cid=stelprdb5247447
FIRE SEASON Look at last months newsletter to see what you need on your mining site during fire season. All miners should request a waiver now, to work during fire shutdown periods. If you wait until there is a fire on the Forest or BLM, no one will be available to do the inspection.
FOREST SERVICE DEFINITION OF RECLAMATION-Jan Alexander At the June EOMA meeting we had 8\X10\ color pictures laid out showing the destruction of the old Buck Gulch Wagon Road, road #990, with large trees cut along the stream to block anyone from using the ripped up, tank trapped road. The Forest Service did this destruction because they said they had a judges order that told them to reclaim Bruce Parkes site. According to the miner who had claims where access was destroyed, the Forest Service did not actually do any reclamation. All they did was completely obliterate the access roads.
The Forest Service said they did not know another miner used the same access roads. This is curious, because this miner had submitted a Plan of Operation, and in addition, Jeff Tomac had assured EOMA at the last Roundtable that his minerals staff looks at LR2000 before recommending roads for closure to be sure mine access is not impacted. Miners have a statutory right to access. The Forest Service regulations under 36CFR228.4 clearly state that a notice of intent to operate is not even required for \operations which will be limited to the use of vehicles on existing public roads...\. The miner and EOMA deserve some answers and some action.
NO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT IS NEEDED FOR DESTRUCTION OF ROADS I requested a copy of the NEPA document that analyzed the effects of the Forest Service obliterating the old Wagon Road, and destroying trees and vegetation. Tom Montoya stated that \reclamation\ does not require any analysis. It seems that the Forest Service is not held to as high a standard as miners are, I would hate to see what the Forest Service would do to one of us if we did this much destruction. S. 1036 SAGE GROUSE BILL INTRODUCED IN THE SENATE Washington, DC – Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) has introduced S.1036, the Sage-Grouse Protection and Conservation Act, in the United States Senate. The Act represents a continuation of Senator Gardner’s long record of fighting for Colorado’s environment and economy. The Act would allow states to implement state-created conservation and management plans for the recovery of greater sage-grouse in order to prevent a listing under the Endangered Species Act. The Act would also require the Department of the Interior to share scientific data with states, assist states in crafting and implementing their plans, and recognize the state plans for a minimum of six years. States could, if they so choose, defer to the federal government
CAL REINHART-NOT THE DECISION MINERS WERE LOOKING FOR-Walt Wegner, PLP President The mining community was denied injunctive relief from Judge Ochoa in San Bernardino Supreme Court, stating that in his opinion that miners have not shown \Irreparable\ harm. He agrees that we have suffered harm, but not to the extent that injunctive relief is due. The lawyers for PLP, New 49ers and WMA argued forcefully that the financial losses are irreparable and by allowing the State of California to continue to violate our Constitutional rights and cite miners for what the constitution guarantees us is irreparable! The Judge wrote in his tentative ruling that because the Reinhart appellate decision has been de-published and is under review from the California Supreme Court, the Federal preemption issue he ruled upon is also up for review. Trial wa set for January 20, 2016 to conclude everything before him. PLP, New 49ers and WMA are in the process right now of looking at our appeal on what is viewed as \Justice delayed is Justice denied\. Judge Ochoa did clarify, however, his ruling on the States exparte motion to ban the new 49ers and their counsel from filing a temporary restraining order against the State in Siskyou County. He only barred counsel and plaintiffs from filing a TRO. Look for individuals outside this litigation to act on this very soon.
SB838 DREDGING & UPLAND MORATORIUM IN 2016-Jan Alexander We gave it our all, but in the end the amendments all died in committee, with the result that the moratorium will go into effect. Evidently the amendments will be taken up again in February when the legislature meets again, but with the new Governor and the Democrats in power, nothing good will be happening for the mining industry in Oregon.
The state will be prohibiting mining using motorized equipment both in-stream and in the uplands \above the lowest extent of the salmon, steelhead or bull trout spawning habitat\. If fish spawn downstream of where you work, you may be affected. That is why all upland miners must have state WPCF permits. If you have an approved POO and a state WPCF permit, and you are not doing anything to impact water quality, you should be good to go.
“The timber, water, pasture, mineral, and other resources of the forest reserves are for the use of the people;” Quote from: The Use of the National Forest Reserves.
2015 SILVER MEDALLIONS EOMA medallions are beautiful proof grade one ounce silver medallions with the addition of real gold “nuggets” in the pan. We have a limited supply of 2012, 2013 and 2014 medallions along with the newly minted 2015s. These medallions are currently selling for $50.00 apiece plus $5.00 shipping, handling, and insurance. (Prices are subject to change). You can order a medallion from the EOMA website, and pay by pay-pal. Or, you can send $50 plus $5.00 shipping and handling to EOMA, Medallions, PO Box 932, Baker City, OR 97814, or call Bobbie at 541-523-3285. Be sure to specify what year you want.
EOMA ADVERTISING AND SALE LISTINGS The advertising listings are only $1 per month to get your ad listed below. Send your ad to: EOMA, Box 932, Baker City, OR 97814 along with your remittance for each month you want us to run your ad. The number next to your ad is how many months your ad will run. HIGH BANKER Gold Cat double sluice high banker with 3.5 hp Briggs and Stratton, 2in pump, 30ft 2in hose, 14ft of 2in suction hose. $1,695 or obo. Call 541-403-4143
SLUICE BOX A mine sluice made out of wood plus a larger sluice about 4ft long out of wood all for $150 obo. Call 541-403-4143
TROMMEL Custom made trommel, 5.5hp 2in. pump, 60 ft. 1.5in hose, 12ft suction hose with foot valve $1,695 obo. Call 541-403-4143
PUMPS AND CHAINS (1) Four inch water pump, powered by a 2cycle Wisconsin Engine, $300. (2) High Pressure 4 inch pump powered by 30 HP electric motor, $500. (3) Two sets of 13-20 tire chains for tractor or grader, $100 each. Call 541-523-2521.
CLAIMS FOR SALE : Three Unpatented Placer Mining Claims: Each claim is 40 acres in size, located along Clarks Creek, near Bridgeport Oregon. The claims run from the patented Dooley Placer upstream to Blue Trigger Gulch. Come test the ground yourself. There is a Notice in place with BLM for processing on site and exploration using mechanized equipment. These claims are historic producers. Price is $7,000 per claim or $20,000 for all three claims. Call Larry Pestes, 503-663-5500 for additional information. If anyone is interested in looking at them on the ground, I would be glad to show them to you- call Jan Alexander at 541-446-3413.