EASTERN OREGON MINING ASSOCIATION MEETING The meetings are held on the first Friday of the month. The next meeting is Friday, AUGUST 2ND at the Baker City Hall. The building is located at 1st and Auburn Streets in Baker City. The Board meeting starts at 6:00PM, and the general meeting starts at 6:30PM.
WIN 1/2 POUND OF GOLD The Eastern Oregon Mining Association, along with the Waldo Mining District, is selling tickets for the drawing on a � pound of gold. The big Final Drawing with a Grand Prize of 1/2 Pound of Gold will be held in the spring of 2014. The cost is $5.00 per Entry, or Six Entries for $25.00.
Need not be present to win! So, fill out the tickets in the back of the newsletter and send them in to Drawing, PO Box 932, Baker City, OR 97814. Your money goes to help miners continue litigation on miner�s rights. Thank you for all your support..... Chuck Chase
ACCOUNTANT DALE BINGHAM WILL BE AT AUGUST MEETING EOMA�s accountant, Dale Bingham, will be coming to the August 2nd meeting. He will be providing information about our accounting practices and probably suggest changes. Plan on being there to be informed about possible changes we may need to make.
SB838 PROHIBITING SUCTION DREDGE MINING PASSES-Jan Alexander Miners wrote letters, made phone calls and e-mailed messages to members of the legislature urging them to vote no on this job killing bill. In the end, there was little that could be done this year because we did not have a lobbyist to work in the halls. Rich Angstrom, who lobbies for the gravel mining industry, stepped up to the plate and managed to get some exemptions from the prohibitions that help larger scale operations with DOGAMI permits, and he managed to work with legislators to ensure the moratorium does not take full effect until 2016. Basically, that gives us two years to have a plan in place to make changes to this law.
SUCTION DREDGING 2014-2015-Jan Alexander DEQ/DSL will issue only 850 suction dredge permits, starting in January of 2014, giving preference to miners who have the longest existing authorizations. In addition to the usual fees, you will pay an extra $150, supposedly to fund the State�s studies of dredging activities. New stipulations include that dredgers can only work from 9:00AM to 5:00PM, dredges must be separated by 500 feet, suction dredges cannot be fueled in the water, miners must not impact streamside vegetation within 300 feet of any waterways that could run the risk of eroding soil into the creek. Miners with a DOGAMI permit are exempted. In 2016, there will be no suction dredge permits issued to miners who operate in watersheds with ESA species.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER 2016? -Jan Alexander After 2016, all suction dredge mining in salmon, steelhead and bull trout watersheds will be shut down with the moratorium. In areas that do not have salmon, steelhead, bull trout or habitat for these species, such as the Burnt River watershed, miners must be aware that there is a prohibition on removing stream side vegetation within 300 feet of the waterways, with stiff penalties if any dirt was to enter the water because of this vegetation removal. Watch out for new prohibitions on streams that are listed as water quality limited (303(d)) by DEQ.
FROM THE DESK OF THE PRESIDENT-Ken Alexander We were able to stop a lot of anti-mining legislation this legislative session. A couple of Senators and a few radical environmental organizations wanted a complete ban on motorized placer mining in the State of Oregon. They also wanted a law making almost every gold-bearing stream in Oregon a scenic waterway. Thanks to all of the miners that stepped up to the plate and became activists, we were able to stop those ideas. This includes countless letters, e-mails, phone calls, and visits to legislators, as well as holding a miners� rally on the Capital steps. Unfortunately, the governor, and others were able to convince a key Republican, Senator Fred Girod, at the end of the session, to vote for SB 838, and this bill was passed. This illustrates a major weakness the small-scale mining industry has when it comes to keeping tabs on legislators and legislation. Every other industry out there, from the gravel producers to the farmers and cattlemen have a paid lobbyist to ensure their industry is treated fairly. These lobbyists know the ropes; know who to talk to and when to talk to them. The legislative process requires a lot of �hands on� explaining, and exchanging of ideas, sometimes called �deal making�. We miners desperately need our own lobbyist working to protect our industry, preserve our right to mine, and promote reasonable legislation.
EOMA members have been discussing creation of a Political Action Committee (PAC) where persons interested in preserving the mining industry can contribute up to $50 ($100 for a man and wife), with the money coming right off of the tax you owe to the State. Gravel mining lobbyist, Rich Angstrom, has indicated he would be willing to help us out during the next session. We need to decide-is it worth the money to pay someone like him? Miners, the decision is up to you. Send an e-mail to: alxk@ortelco.net if you would be willing to send $50 or $100 to a PAC that supports mining in Oregon instead of sending your tax money to the State of Oregon. Put EOMA PAC in the subject line. Your response will help us make the decision on whether to pursue this course!
HB 2841 MINER�S BILL TO IMPROVE COMMUNICATION IS DEAD This was a good bill, and should have been supported by Democrats as well as Republicans. But instead, it was allowed to die without a final vote. It was a tough session for all the legislators, I am sure, but this was a bill that should have been passed. It would be good to rewrite and resubmit this bill during the next session.
MINER�S JUBILEE It is always a challenge to get things organized for the Miner�s Jubilee. A special big THANK YOU goes to Bobbie Danser and Chuck Chase. They really work hard to make this Jubilee possible.
Thanks to all of the people who donated their time and effort to help make this event successful. This includes, Bob Heitmanek, Ron Anderson, Vicki Sissel, Carmelita Holland, Jan Alexander, Ed Hardt, Ed and Jackie Bechtel, Diane and Jerry Florence. Larry Chase was invaluable in transporting the gold up to Jubilee. Larry has a way with words, and with or without the aid of a microphone; he brought in a lot of business for EOMA during the Jubilee. The �stick a ticket in the can� auction that we tried this year was a success, thanks mainly to Pam and Jim Haney and family, as well as a lot of others. Aryanna St. Amand and Logan Handy�s youthful enthusiasm was greatly appreciated.
We also appreciate the support of Banner Bank�s donation of $100 for prize money and the Blue Bucket Metal Detector�s 10 gold pans provided at cost.
RESULTS OF DRAWING HELD AT MINER�S JUBILEE There were some great prizes given away at Miners� Jubilee. ��..Each winning ticket at Jubilee went back into the drawing on the � pound of gold that will be held next spring at the Salem gold show. 4th Place..... Les Schwab Emergency Road Kit Willamette Valley Miners 3rd Place - Book \The Gold Prospectors Guide to Researching and Locating Mining Claims\� Ron and Sandy Rue Scotts Mill, OR 2nd place - EOMA Silver Medallion (2011) Willamette Valley Miners� 1st Place Louie Built Hand Sluice Omak Washington� Grand Prize - Metal Detector Eric Pichette Roseburg, OR
Kids (12 years and under) 1st Place---Alayne Bennett�---- Prize Money Won $25----- Time 1:02 (/w 30 sec penalty) 2nd Place--Kandice Holland ---Prize Money Won $15------Time 1:59 3rd Place---Anah Miles ----------Prize Money Won $10------Time 2:32 Amateur 1st Place ----Donavan Jividen----Prize Money Won $50---Time 1:22 2nd Place----Wayne Hiatt�---------Prize Money Won $35---Time 2:23(/w 60 sec penalty) 3rd Place-----Wendy Roberts-----Prize Money Won $20---Time 2:53(/w 30sec penalty) Professional 1st Place----Shane Boettcher------Prize Money Won $125---Time 35:47 2nd Place---Austin Harmon--------Prize Money Won $100---Time 43:25 3rd Place---Ted Schadewitz-------Prize Money Won $75-----Time 1:03
Enclosed in this newsletter you will find a maintenance fee waiver which can be used by all miners who perform assessment and who own 10 claims or fewer. On Line one you write in 2013 in the first blank, and 2014 in the second blank. On line 2 you write in September 1, 2013. Remember, this form must have original signatures of all claim owners. The form is usually due in the BLM office in Portland by the 31st of August, but there is an extension this year because of the holiday.
But miners should not wait. There is no fee, and this form does not get recorded at the county, but if you fail to send it to BLM you will lose your claims.
After you have performed at least $100 worth of assessment for each claim you own, record your proof of labor in the county where the claim is located. Even if you pay the fees, you must record at the county. After the form has been recorded, send a copy to BLM along with $10/claim (if you don�t qualify for the waiver and must pay fees, you will send $140 for each 20 acre parcel) before the end of December.
These medallions are beautiful proof grade one ounce silver medallions with the addition of real gold �nuggets� in the pan. We still have a limited supply of 2012 medallions. These medallions are currently selling for $50 dollars apiece plus $5.00 shipping and handling and insurance. These prices are subject to change. You can order a 2013 medallion from the EOMA website, and pay by pay-pal. Or, you can send $50 plus $5.00 shipping and handling to EOMA, Medallions, PO Box 932, Baker City, OR 97814, or call Bobbie at 541-523-3285. Be sure to specify whether you want a 2012 or 2013 medallion.
EOMA CALENDARS FOR 2012-2013 We are now offering an 18 month EOMA Calendar with historical mining pictures. It also has date reminders to help you keep your claim valid. Since the year is half over, we are offering these calendars at half price, $5.00 each. So support the EOMA by ordering your calendar now. Please add $1 for shipping. There is an order form in the back of the newsletter. You can also call Chuck Chase at 541-523-3285.
EOMA ADVERTISING AND SALE LISTINGS The advertising listings are only $1 per month to get your ad listed below. Send your ad to: EOMA, Box 932, Baker City, OR 97814 along with your remittance for each month you want us to run your ad. The number next to your ad is how many months your ad will run.
THE GOLD SPINNER SYSTEM:(4) Save that ultrafine gold with this high gravity separator. It runs on 12volt, only weighs 45 pounds, is easy to set up and run, and can run all day long without a clean up. This is a must see, and sells for only $1304. E-mail Ted at tedcraghead@gmail.com. See Video on UTube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAP5CMdIjFs Or come on down and take a look at 10415 HWY 95, Payette, ID 83661.
CLAIMS FOR SALE :(4) Two claims starting on the Burnt River and running up Clarks Creek. The Gold Danser is an eighty acre claim, with a lot of un-worked placer and good water. The Gold Danser II contains forty acres on Clarks Creek, and has had Geophysical Magnetometer mapping done on it, showing a large buried placer structure running through the claim. Both of these claims are accessed on year round county roads. $35,000 for both. Call: 541-523-3285, or Cell: 541-310-8510.
PLACER MINE FOR SALE Placer Mine, 59 Acre upper gravel bar placer claim�near the Burnt River in Oregon, best offer in writing with deposit�by�Aug�1st�2013. There is 1/8 +�mile diggings and fresh tailings. Four plus shafts, water nearby, borders previous mining district and patented ground�-��� with possible equipment options.��Contact: Craig at 406-579-5291, or Leave Message.
TRENCHERMAN BACKHOE Trencherman Backhoe, all hydraulic, and towable behind a 4 wheeler or pickup. New cost was $5,900.00, asking $4,000.00, in excellent shape. 5hp Briggs & Stratton generator, Coleman Powermate 2500 series, Like new $2,500.00 225 shop welder series range $150.00. Harold Anderson�� 541-562-5966
EOMA MEDALLION COLLECTION (2) A set of EOMA one-ounce silver medallions dated 1988 through 2011, plus one �In Gold We Trust 75th Anniversary 1907 � 1982� one ounce silver medallion and one proof coin of the same. The 25-coin set is contained in a hand made solid wood folding display box with spaces for an additional 17 coins. Price, $1,000 firm. Call 541-524-9386 or 541-403-0043. HAND-FED RECOVERY SYSTEM The Goldfield Prospector is a portable, heavy duty wash plant designed for the recovery of placer gold to be used for sampling, small-scale production, or clean-up of larger processing plants.� The Prospector lists new for $8,500 (www.goldfieldint.com/prospector.aspx).� This particular machine has been rebuilt/modified.� Price, $2,000 or OBO. Call 541-524-9386 or 541-403-0043.
THREE 40 ACRE UNPATENTED PLACERS ALONG CLARKS CREEK These Baker County claims run from the patented Dooley Placer upstream to Blue Trigger Gulch. These claims are historic producers, with gravels over 20 feet deep. Price is $7,000 per claim or $20,000 for all three claims. Call Larry Pestes at 503-663-5500 or Jan Alexander at 541-446-3413 for information.
PLACER GOLD BUYER (11) I am always looking for new sources of quality gold nuggets and specimens.� I market to collectors and can generally pay more than refiners for nice nuggets.� Contact Matt at (208) 867-2594 or e-mail: goldrush@goldrushnuggets.com I travel through Baker City frequently.
FOR SALE PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Goldfield production placer plant AK 100 with feeder, feed conveyor, sluice, pump, hose and generator. Rated at 100 cubic yards per hour. $250,000. Also, small trommel, grizzly, feed conveyor, sluice pump, hose and 40KW generator. Ideal for exploration or small scale operation. $50,000. Plants are located in Baker City. If interested call: 503-781-4393