Eastern Oregon Mining Association
Eastern Oregon Mining Association
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- Eastern Oregon Mining Association
- 20120708

JULY 2012 Newsletter
Volume 274

President....................Maureen Anderson................541-786-3983 Executive Director............Chuck Chase................... 541-523-3285 Director of Governmental Affairs Terry Drever Gee 541-523-6228 Editors Chuck Chase 541-523-3285 & Ken Alexander 541-446-3413
Mineral Policy Director...........Jan Alexander.............541-446-3413
EOMA INTERNET ADDRESS: http://www.h2oaccess.com/

The meetings are held on the first Friday of the month. The next meeting is Friday, July 6th at the Baker City Hall. The building is located at 1st and Auburn Streets in Baker City. The Board meeting starts at 6:00PM, and the general meeting starts at 6:30pm.

Bring your ideas to make this a successful celebration! We need volunteers to run the booth and talk to the public about mining on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We also need someone with a trailer to haul the rock for the hand steeling contest. Set up is on the 19th. We will definitely need help to set up the tents. Call Chuck Chase at 541-523-3285

Silent Auction- This is one of our big money makers and we need all kinds of donations-antiques, mining equipment, tools, mineral specimens, gold, or whatever you can donate. Call Chuck Chase at 541-523-3285 to arrange a drop-off of items at 740 Valley in Baker City.

Gold Panning for Kids- With the rise in gold prices, it is getting harder to fund this event. Does anyone have some small-size placer gold to donate? We could also use some garnets. Panning is free for the kids, and they get to keep the gold and garnets they find.

Although I am pleased to see the weather in Eastern Oregon clearing and am enjoying the longer days, the lack of mining plans being approved in the Wallowa Whitman greatly saddens me. As most of you already know, the final approval for the NFBR has been successfully delayed for at least one more mining season by the continued pressure of the enviros and the lack of gumption on the part of the F.S.!! Additionally, new rules and regulations being passed down by the \powers that be\ appear to be creating a complete halt to the further authorization of NOIs!!
With our rights and liberties being eroded on a near daily basis, I cannot help but to encourage ALL of you to take some time out of your busy days to contact your state and federal legislators! It is time for the \silent majority\ to rise together in one voice and let them know that we will not go silently into that goodnight! Be those same voices that forced the F.S. to withdraw the TMP!! Stand UP and be counted!!

If there is enough interest, Ed Sinner will give a one day underground training session for miners who have completed their 2 day new miner surface training. We will need at least five people to hold the class. Call Jan Alexander at 541-446-3413 to sign up. The training will be held at the Baker City Library, 2400 Resort Street (next to the park) starting at 8:00AM. The cost is $10/person for each day of training.

All miners with Plans of Operation in the North Fork Burnt River Watershed will be receiving �draft� bonds from the Forest Service. We have two Plans of Operation in this watershed. The Forest Service did not add up the line items correctly on one of our bonds and the amount they wanted was hundreds of dollars too high. Be sure to check the figures they send you, they do sometimes make mistakes.

One of our bonds was calculated using a $1,500 EOMA bond, when we have operated for many years under a $3,000 bond. By using the lower bond amount, our personal part of the bond, money that we would post ourselves, increased dramatically. Be sure you know which EOMA bond you are covered under and be sure the amount the Forest Service used is correct.

If you applied for a $1,500 bond through EOMA and you have a record of compliance with the Forest Service and have two seasons of reclamation under your belt, you may quality for the $3,000 bond. Give Chuck Chase a call at 541-523-3285 to discuss your options.

If you want some help deciphering your �draft� bond call Jan at 541-446-3413.

EOMA has filed a Freedom of Information Request for the locations of all documented noxious weeds in the North Fork Burnt River Watershed. The Forest Service wants to add the cost of two full days of weed spraying to every bond ($478.00) even if there are no noxious weeds on site. This is �worst case scenario� bonding and is prohibited by the regulations.

WHAT IS RS 2477?
Section 8 of the Act of July 26, 1866 simply stated \that the right-of-way for the construction of highways over public lands, not reserved for public uses, is hereby granted.\ This Congressional grant was later codified as Revised Statute 2477 (43 U.S.C. 932). The law was repealed in 1976 with the passage of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA). However, any valid right-of-ways established under RS 2477 prior to its repeal in 1976 were not terminated by FLPMA and are still in existence today.

Stemming as far back as the SREP vs. SNF case over the Northwest Forest Plan and �MM-1� in 2000, the Karuk tribe in Happy Camp, CA (the very same ones that were instrumental is getting the prohibition on suction dredge mining in CA for the last three years) received another success in the courts against the Forest Service and small-scale miners. In July, 2011, a panel of the court ruled that �approving� a NOI was not an agency �action�, and thusly NEPA and the requirement to consult did not apply. The Karuk�s appealed the decision to the full court and the court agreed to hear the appeal, and on June 1, 2012 the court overturned its earlier decision, 7-4. This decision is seen as a direct attack on most, if not all small-scale mining in any areas inhabited by a protected species, especially salmon; and flies in the face of all earlier court decisions, the pertinent regulations, and the Mining Law itself. Of particular interest is the Dissenting Opinion, much of which is printed in the Waldo Mining Newsletter. http://www.goldgold.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Opinion-6-1-12.pdf

The following quote taken from the dissenting opinion (which included the Chief Judge) illustrates the frustration some members of the court have with this decision.

�No legislature or regulatory agency would enact sweeping rules that create such economic chaos, shutter entire industries, and cause thousands of people to lose their jobs. That is because the legislative and executive branches are directly accountable to the people through elections, and its members know they would be removed swiftly from office were they to enact such rules. In contrast, in order to preserve the vitally important principle of judicial independence, we are not politically accountable. However, because of our lack of public accountability, our job is constitutionally confined to interpreting laws, not creating them out of whole cloth. Unfortu�nately, I believe the record is clear that our court has strayed with lamentable frequency from its constitutionally limited role (as illustrated supra) when it comes to construing environmental law. When we do so, I fear that we undermine public support for the independence of the judiciary, and cause many to despair of the promise of the rule of law.�

Over 40 mining operations are still waiting for a decision to be made on this study by the Forest Service. The latest word is that the FS will be making a decision �this summer�. The FS has been �diligently working� on the supplemental Environmental Impact Study for six years now. The first study that the FS worked on for four years was found by a magistrate to be inadequate. When the FS does finally issue a decision, we are certainly hopeful that they will have gotten it right. According to Forest Service regulations, plans of operations are supposed to take 30 days to review. Taking ten years to review these plans is strong evidence of a process that is broken. It is pretty clear that as long as environmental corporations are paid taxpayer money to sue the government, they will keep on suing. Congress needs to fix the problem before all of the natural resource industries are brought to a complete halt by frivolous lawsuits. Especially since judges are issuing creative verdicts that are out of touch with reality.

Our bonding MOUs with the Forest Service expire in December of 2012. The draft Forest Service MOU revision does not cover mining equipment removal or structure removal. However, we have always bonded these on a case by case basis, and it would be beneficial to miners operating under the MOUs if EOMA continues to cover equipment and structures removal. The other change we may need to make is a higher total bond amount. The general $1500 bond might work better if we raised it to $2,000 and the excellent operator bond of $3,000 might work better if we raised it to $3,500. Chuck Chase, our treasurer, has our bond monies in various CDs and there is plenty there to justify raising the bond coverage in case one of our operators is unable to complete his or her reclamation responsibilities.

The EOMA bonding committee, consisting of Scott Guthrie, Jan Alexander, Ken Alexander, Chuck Chase, John Chakarun and Maureen Anderson, will meet soon to discuss the MOU and any changes that will be brought before the board. Call or talk to one of these committee members if you have ideas. Input from all miners is needed.

EASTERN OREGON GOLD MINE- Information from: Argus Observer
A Canadian company says it is working on permits to mine gold in Malheur County in Eastern Oregon. The Ontario Argus Observer reports the site of the Grassy Mountain project is south of Vale. Calico Resources of Vancouver, British Columbia, has been drilling there for more than a year and plans to focus all its resources on the project. A consultant, Andy Bentz, says the mining would be done underground rather than from an open pit. He says two companies, Atlas Mining and Newmont Mining, previously explored the site, where more than 400 test holes have been drilled and $50 million spent. Bentz says the Calico project is more than three years from completion.Between mining and milling, he says, the operation could employ 100 to 150 people.
UNITED STATES MINERAL DEMAND �National Mining Association
� Every American uses an average of nearly 40,000 pounds of newly mined materials each year.
� Telephones are made from as many as 42 different minerals, including aluminum, beryllium, coal, copper, gold, iron, limestone, silica, silver, talc and wollastonite. Without boron, copper, gold and quartz, your digital alarm clock would not work.
� A television requires 35 different minerals, and more than 30 minerals are needed to make a computer.
� The construction industry accounts for approximately 51 percent of US copper demand.
� Silvers largest market use is for industrial applications, particularly as an electrical connector. Jewelry is the second largest use of silver.
The Toyota Prius plug-in-hybrid requires about 50 pounds of rare earth metals for its motor and battery.

MINING BILL H.R. 4402 HEARING IN JULY! �National Mining Association
Recently, NMA President and CEO Hal Quinn traveled across the country to meet with scholars, policymakers, scientist and CEOs. At the meeting, Quinn and other participants readily acknowledged the importance of minerals to the lives of Americans and job growth in this economy.
That being said, one of the biggest hurdles preventing U.S. minerals mining from adding jobs and growing the economy is an outdated permitting process. Permitting delays have left U.S. manufacturers more reliant on foreign sources for minerals that we have right here at home. That means we are transferring jobs and economic benefits overseas and needlessly complicating our mineral supply chains.
NMA is dedicated to growing America�s economy, and that�s why we�re aggressively supporting H.R. 4402, legislation that will help establish regulatory consistency and efficient mining permitting processes. This legislation is expected to be debated on the House floor in July. This is your chance to do something positive for mining. Ask your representatives to support H.R. 4402, or tell you why they don�t.
Call any Congressman at (202) 225-3121. Oregon 2nd District is Congressman Greg Walden. Call any Senator at (202) 224-3121. Oregon�s two Senators are Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley.

Fifty members of the Women�s Mining Coalition participated in the 20th Annual Fly-In to Washington D.C. May 6-11, 2012. Participants completed 179 individual meetings with both Senate and House staff over 3 1/2 days. WMC issue papers and informative materials were dropped off to an additional 48 Congressional offices, bringing the total number of offices visited to 227. This phenomenal effort was put forth by WMC members, all of whom work in the mining industry, including hardrock, coal, manufacturing, vendors, and coal-fired power plants.
WMC issues this year included: CERCLA 108(b) financial assurance rulemaking; EPA greenhouse gas new source performance standards, and utility MACT (maximum achievable control technology); Critical Minerals Policy Act (S.1113); National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act (H.R. 4402); and Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Infrastructure Protection Act (H.R. 3409). Additional topics of discussion included permitting delays and sage grouse management. Issues and topics were well-received and generated much valuable discussion between WMC members and members of Congress and staff.

The founders of the Women�s Mining Coalition, Kathy Benedetto, Debra Struhsacker, and Ruth Carraher, were recognized and honored at a reception sponsored by American Coalition for Clean Coal Energy, Northwest Mining Association, and ADA Environmental Services. 2012 marks the 20th year that members of WMC have traveled to Washington D.C. to advocate for a healthy domestic mining industry. For more information on and photos from the 2012 Fly-In, or to join WMC, please visit www.wmc-usa.org

MINING IN BAKER COUNTY - from Oregon Genealogy and History
Written in 1898
In the year 1897, the yield of gold from 313 gold mines and claims, in all stages of development, was $3,000,000. It is estimated that not one-tenth of the mineral bearing districts has been even fairly prospected. Yet since the mining industry began in Baker County, the total yield of gold has been close to thirty million dollars.
Baker County is the banner gold mining county in Oregon.� In fact, the output of this precious metal from this county, and its near-by tributary regions in 1807, was approximately three-fourths of the entire gold output from the state.� The mineral wealth of this county is evidenced by the following minerals:

Iron Salt Nitre
Coal Barytes Gypsum
Gold Graphite Marble
Silver Steatite Limestone
Lead Fire Clay Slate
Copper Brick Clay Granite
Nickel Aluminum Sandstone
Zinc Potters Clay Gneiss
Quicksilver Ocbre Syenite
Platinum Quartz Basalt
Iridium Pumice Andesite
Chrome Infusorial Earth Cement
Manganese Mineral Waters
NOTE: More information about what used to be a thriving industry in Baker County can be found on the Oregon Genealogy and History site: http://www.oregongenealogy.com/baker/ermine/mining.htm

Support our sister organization, they have supported us with their membership and contributions to our legal fund. You can scope out EOMP at www.eomp.org: check �em out. They have a lot of fun scraping and digging for that elusive yellow metal.... I have attended several of these and they are a lot of fun. For a $75.00 annual family membership you can mine on any of their claims. All you need to do is join the organization and start enjoying all the fun of digging for that yellow metal. You mine all you want, any time you want, and keep all the gold that you find. For more information, write to EOMP at P.O. Box 66 Baker City, OR 97814. Their meetings are the 4th Monday of the month, for more information call Earl Graham at 541-562-5543.

The Eastern Oregon Mining Association $1000 reward posters are printed on laminated poster board. Putting these up on your mining site may give the thieves second thoughts about stealing your equipment. The posters will sell for $2.50 each and will be available at the next meeting. You can also order one by calling Chuck at 541 523 3285

Here�s your chance to support the New 49�ers in their petition to the Supreme Court to hear the Karuk case and maybe win some gold while doing it. The drawing for fifteen American Gold Eagles is going to be July 7th, so you need to hurry! Check this out: http://www.goldgold.com/american-gold-eagles.html

Participation in this drawing has been pretty poor so far. We are hoping for a boost of support over the next ten days that will help us petition the Supreme Court to overturn the recent 9th Circuit Decision which is making it more difficult to pursue small-scale mining on U.S. Forest Service lands in America.

Our office will automatically generate a ticket in your name for every $10 legal contribution we receive ($100 would generate 10 tickets). There is no limit to the size or frequency of your contributions or to the number of prizes you can win. The drawing will take place at our weekly potluck in Happy Camp on Saturday, 7 July (2012).

Legal contributions can be arranged by calling (530) 493-2012; by mailing to The New 49ers, P.O. Box 47, Happy Camp, CA 96039; or by going here: http://www.goldgold.com/639.html

MINING IN IDAHO-by National Miining Association
Amongst the sprawling Rocky Mountains, Idaho is home to an abundant supply of minerals. From the keyboard on your computer to the stainless steel in your kitchen, minerals mined in Idaho are found in just about anything you use on a daily basis.
Idaho Mining Facts
o The two most mined minerals in Idaho are molybdenum and phosphate
o Idaho�s mineral mining is valued at $1,200,000,000
o Idaho mining accounts for a total of 1.88% of America�s minerals mining
o Minerals and non-metal mining accounts for more than 6,360 high-paying Idaho jobs
o Mining accounts for a total of $1,420,000,000 in GDP

The Pacific North Coast will play an integral part in the 2012 election cycle.� When you cast your ballot, it is imperative to remember the importance that minerals play in our daily lives.

Eight states, numerous mining and ranching groups, along with several motorized recreation groups have joined the National Mining Association in appealing the U.S. Forest Service�s national roadless rule to the U.S. Supreme Court.
In their petitions to the Supreme Court, the groups repeat the oft-rejected claim that the roadless rule was adopted in violation of federal environmental laws, and that the rule is �a sweeping usurpation of the authority vested solely in Congress to designate lands as wilderness.�
The 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule limits road-building on about 58 million acres of national forest lands across the country. The rule was revoked in the early days of the Bush administration and replaced with a state-by-state rule-making process. It�s also been subject to several legal challenges, but was ultimately upheld as legal by two federal appeals courts, most recently by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals..
The rule, if left standing, will result in harm to stakeholders beyond the mining industry, to agriculture, recreation and tourism interests. According to the CMA, the rule would�prevent future mining and oil and gas operations on roadless lands, resulting in�decreased production, job losses, and sharp decreases in taxes and revenues.
The list of organizations asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take the case includes: the National Mining Association, the American Petroleum Institute, the National Cattleman�s Beef Association, the American Forest Resource Council and the American Sheep Industry Association.
The court isn�t likely to make a decision on whether to hear the case until the autumn.

Need a good graduation gift? We still have a good stock of 2012 medallions with real gold nuggets in the pan. These medallions are currently selling for $50 apiece plus $5 shipping, handling, and insurance. Due to the volatility of the silver market, these prices are subject to change. You can order one from the EOMA website, or send in $50 plus $5.00, to EOMA, Medallions, PO Box 932, Baker City, OR 97814, or call Ken Alexander, 541-446-3413.

We are now offering a new 18 month EOMA Calendar with historical mining pictures. It also has date reminders to help you keep your claim valid. It also has addresses and phone numbers of the agencies you have to deal with. So support the EOMA by ordering your calendar now for the price of $10 each, or three for $29 bucks, plus a dollar for each calendar for shipping. There is an order form in the back of the newsletter. You can also call Chuck Chase at 541 523 3285.

Want to be Oregon�s Gold Panning Champion? Your chance is coming up at the 2012 Miners Jubilee in Baker City, July 20, 21, & 22.The panning championships are held at 1:00 on Saturday the 21st.

Championships are awarded in three categories:
Kids (12 and under);
Amateurs (people who haven�t won this event before);
Kids win not only cash prizes, but runner-ups will be awarded gold pans, thanks to Mining Product Supplier JOBE Wholesale.
Entry fees are:
Kids (12 & under) $3; Amateurs $5; Professional $15
Prizes are:
Kids Panning Amateur Panning Pro Panning
1st $50.00 $ 70.00 $125.00 2nd 35.00 55.00 100.00
3rd 20.00 30.00 75.00
Three nuggets are placed into a pan of gravel, the kids have the largest nuggets, and the pros have the smallest. There is no time limit to pan, but there is a 10 second penalty for every nugget lost. Fastest time wins.
Last year�s winners were:
Kids Panning - Ashley Juarez
Amateur Panning - Aryanna St Amand
Professional Panning - Bill McClure

The advertising listings are only $1 per month to get your ad listed below. Send your ad to: EOMA, Box 932, Baker City, OR 97814 along with your remittance for each month you want us to run your ad and we will take care of the rest. The number next to your ad is how many months your ad will run. .

Located near John Day, primitive, insulated house, wood heat, good water, road & hunting. Off grid � generator. Contact: PO box 8353 spring Creek, NV 89815 for more information. Or you may email: jetteseal@gmail.com

Equipment includes a 20yd hopper feeder, 80kw Onan generator, 40 and 30 conveyors, 5\ and 3\ slurry pumps, Reichert Spiral concentrator, 5th wheel dollies, lots of sluices, 5yd dump box, electric motors switch boxes and panel boards. Much more! Contact Jack at 208-284-5882.