EOMA INTERNET ADDRESS: http://www.h2oaccess.com/
EASTERN OREGON MINING ASSOCIATION MEETING Meetings are held on the first Friday of the month. The next meeting is Friday, FEBRUARY 1ST at the Baker City Hall. The building is located at 1st and Auburn Streets in Baker City. The Board meeting starts at 6:00 PM. The general meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. There is time for discussing mining and getting to know other miners. As usual there will be a drawing for a $50 silver medallion at the meeting!
YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES WERE DUE JANUARY 1ST If you can’t pay in person, please send your $35 dues ($40 for a couple) to the EOMA, PO Box 932, Baker City OR 97814. You should also be able to pay with a credit card or pay pal on our website. www.h2oaccess.com If you want a $40 membership and pay on the website, just donate $5 along with your $35 membership payment and we will get you credited with a dual membership. This year the Oregon Legislature is controlled by a Democratic super majority, so we will need all the help we can get to keep outrageous anti-mining bills from being passed. SEND YOUR NEWSLETTER ITEMS If you have information or interesting articles about mining items to share in the newsletter send them to Ken Alexander alxk@ortelco.net , Chuck Chase CHASE3285@msn.com or Jan Alexander alx@ortelco.net . Be sure to indicate the source of information you send.
EOMA ELECTIONS ARE COMING UP MARCH 1st, 2019 EOMA Executive Committee members serve one-year terms. Board of Directors members serve two-year terms, with half the Board members running for election alternate years. You must be a paid-up member to vote. A ballot is included in this newsletter for those who are unable to attend the March meeting. Be sure your ballot is returned to EOMA, PO Box 932, Baker City OR 97814 before the March 1st meeting.
SILVER MEDALLION PROGRAM WILL BE A TOPIC AT FEBRUARY MEETING Since the Northwest Territorial Mint went bankrupt in 2018, EOMA has not had any silver medallions made for 2019. For at least 30 years, EOMA has had annual date stamped 1 oz. silver medallions made every year except one year, 1992. There have been discussions at previous meetings about whether or not to continue the program of having silver medallions minted. If you are interested in the program, either continuing or discontinuing, this is the meeting to attend. If you have an opinion about the program, and you cannot attend, you can send your input by mail to EOMA P.O. Box 932 Baker City OR 97814 or by e-mail to alxk@ortelco.net
MSHA ANNUAL REFRESHER TRAINING MARCH 9, 2019 This is an 8 hour training session. The instructor for this course is Ed Sinner. The place of the training will be announced. Class starts at 8:00AM. Classes must not exceed 30 miners, so reserve a space by calling Jan Alexander at 541-446-3413.
MSHA NEW MINER TRAINING APRIL 12, 13 and 14 If you have not had MSHA training before, here is your opportunity to get this training at $15 per classroom day. The instructor for this course is Ed Sinner. The place of the training will be announced. Class starts at 8:00AM. This is good safety training, and if you want to work at a mine, this certification is required. Classes must not exceed 30 miners, so reserve a space by calling Jan Alexander at 541-446-3413.
GOALS FOR 2019 Below is a list of the goals for the USA attributed to Henry Kissinger. 1. Hillary: held accountable for her previous wrongs! 2. Put "GOD" back in America! 3. Borders: Closed or tightly guarded! 4. Congress: On the same retirement & healthcare plans as everybody else. 5. Congress: Obey its own laws NOW! 6. Language: English only! 7. Culture: Constitution and the Bill of Rights! 8. Drug-Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before & during Welfare! 9. Freebies: NONE to Non-Citizens! 10. Budget: Balance the darn thing! 11. Foreign Countries: Stop giving them our money! Charge them for our help! We need it here. 12. Term limits for congress 13. "RESPECT OUR MILITARY AND OUR FLAG!" And our police. 14. DRAIN THE DARN SWAMP!!!!!
EOMA OBJECTIVES Every member of EOMA should know what our organization stands for. The following are organization’s objectives. They actually are not ranked by priority-all of them are important. Section 1: To promote the concept of multiple uses of all public domain lands. Section 2: To oppose any further wilderness additions or other types of land withdrawal that denies multiple use of the public domain. Section 3: To promote the return to a multiple use concept of all public domain lands that have been designated “wilderness”, “Rare-2” or ‘‘roadless’’ area since 1975. Section 4: To uphold the 1872 Mining Law as amended in its entirety Section 5: To oppose any and all persons and organizations that advocate the withdrawal of any public domain from economically productive purposes. Section 6: To promote the need for mineral resources development. Section 7: To promote the concept of natural resources development on the public domain, while maintaining a sound environment. Section 8: To develop a voice in the decision-making levels of government as pertains to land use policy. Section 9: To oppose the unnecessary regulation of mining and the mineral industries. Section 10: To promote the free enterprise system. Section 11: To promote the development of markets for locally produced mineral commodities. Section 12: To promote the concept of production of all mineral commodities. Section 13: To promote public understanding and acceptance of the mining industry as essential to a high standard of living and quality of life.
LONG TIME MINER, SHARLENE COLE, PASSES Sharlene and her husband Jack, who passed many years before her, mined on Elk Creek for as long as anyone can remember. They applied for a patent on their claim, fought the bureaucratic nightmare of the patent process, and finally received their patent. It was one of the last ones issued in Oregon. Sharlene was a long standing EOMA Board member and a great supporter of mining. She will be missed.
SENATE BILL 46-EXCLUSION CERTIFICATES (EC) $400 FOR METAL MINERS At the request of Governor Kate Brown for State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, SB46 will be presented to the Oregon State Legislature. Miners extracting over 1,000 yards of gravel, but less than 5,000 yards, or affecting over an acre of ground, will need an EC. Last legislative session, ECs were to apply only to sand and gravel operations, now they want the metal miners too. The cost of this exclusion certificate will be up to $400. Annual renewal will cost up to $165. It is doubtful the “up to” part means anything. My guess is $400 and $165 for renewal.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 13855 Executive Order 13855, signed by President Trump on December 21, 2018, promotes Active Management of America’s Forests, Rangelands, and Other Federal Lands to Improve Conditions and Reduce Wildfire Risk. He states in this E.O. “For decades, dense trees and undergrowth have amassed in these lands, fueling catastrophic wildfires. These conditions, along with insect infestation, invasive species, disease, and drought, have weakened our forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands, and have placed communities and homes at risk of damage from catastrophic wildfires. Active management of vegetation is needed.”
President Trump states, that the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture shall review their 2019 budget justifications and be prepared to cut some timber, manage the forests and grasslands, and improve the forest condition. He also states the importance of “Performing maintenance on public roads needed to provide access for emergency services and restoration work”. Among other things, President Trump states that Federal land managers need to assess how effectively Federal programs and investments support forest-product infrastructure and market access, to assess methods to more effectively and efficiently streamline consultation under the Endangered Species Act, and identify redundant policies and procedures to promote efficiencies in implementing plans to improve the forests.
He states that “the Secretaries shall, at a minimum, address: (a) Supporting road activities needed to maintain forest, rangeland, and other Federal land health and to mitigate wildfire risk by expanding existing or entering into new Good Neighbor Authority agreements, consistent with applicable law; and (b) Achieving the land management restoration goals set forth in section 2 of this order and reducing fuel loads by pursuing long-term stewardship contracts, including 20-year contracts, with States, tribes, non-profit organizations, communities, and the private sector, consistent with applicable law”.
MINERS ARE PART OF THE “PRIVATE SECTOR”-WE CAN HELP KEEP ROAD OPEN Miners need to be ready to step up to the plate on “Performing maintenance on public roads needed to provide access for emergency services and restoration work”. Opening RS2477 roads and maintaining all roads used by the public for access; not just to mine, but as access for the public to cut wood, for ranchers to check their cattle, and for contractors to conduct thinning and logging activities to prevent wildfires, and in the event of a wildfire, to fight fire and conduct logging of burned timber and post fire restoration. EO13855 should be our “marching orders” to help keep our Forests open. Image
2018 EOMA SILVER MEDALLIONS FOR SALE We still have 2018 medallions available. They are currently selling for $50.00 apiece plus $5.00 shipping, handling, and insurance. (Prices are subject to change). You can order yours from the EOMA website and pay by pay-pal. Or, you can send $50 plus $5.00 shipping and handling to EOMA, Medallions, PO Box 932, Baker City, OR 97814, or call 541-523-3285. Also, you can buy them at our EOMA meetings.
FOR SALE: BURNT BRIDGE CLAIM This 20 Acre claim is located on the North Fork of the Burnt River in the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. Burnt River Road runs parallel to the river from one end of the claim to the other offering excellent access to the river and campsite. Claim contains over ¼ mile of river open to dredging. Copies of approved 2017 DEQ permit 600 PM and 2017 DEQ 700 PM (4” suction dredge) available. This claim is for sale for $2500. Contact Joe Toce email: toceja@hotmail.com
OPPORTUNITY -Looking for someone mechanically inclined to learn about and run a hard rock gold mill. One may be available for scrap price. Time to pass on the technology and know-how. Need a younger working partner and gold ore to run. Dr. Thom: tseal@unr.edu
FOR SALE Ed Hardt is selling his placer mining equipment. Ed's trommel is 20 feet long, 5 feet in diameter, gear driven, positive drive. It will process up to 100 yards a day, will not slip or spin out. Also, one three-inch pump, a two-inch pump, two and three inch flat hose, and a generator. Call 541-377-9209 or email Ed at twohardts@hotmail.com. Price for all is $15,000.
GOLD CLAIMS FOR SALE (3) 5 unpatented placer claims (160 acres) located on Elk Creek near Baker City. Sale includes all equipment (2 excavators, dump truck, trommel, pumps, generators, etc). Site was featured on the cover of ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal (August 2014). Approved Plan of Operation with US Forest Service in place and can be transferred (expires 2021) DEQ process permit goes with the sale of the claims. For price, pictures and details, call Don Enright, 509-860-1145 or email: donaldenright25@gmail.com
FOR SALE TWO 80 ACRE ASSOCIATION PLACER CLAIMS (5) Because of health reasons, we are selling our two 80 acre Association Placer Claims. These two claims are the last two claims on the top end of Elk Creek, a short distance from Baker City. A road goes through most of it. Sell for $7,000 each, will take gold, silver or will sell for a lesser price for cash. Call Ken at 541-519-9497 or Chuck at 541-310-8510.\
NATIVE SPIRIT 60 ACRE CLAIM FOR SALE This claim is located on McCully Creek on the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest just west of the town of Sumpter. Good access, off-channel water is available for processing. DEQ process permit goes with the sale of the claim. Plan of Operation is scheduled to be approved for 2019 work. Call Charles Stewart at 541-910-5435 for more information.
CARETAKER POSITION AVAILABLE Wanted: Full time caretaker for remote property about 20 miles from John Day, Oregon. Primitive, well insulated house, wood heat only, good water from spring. Off the grid, power from gas generator if needed. ¼ mile level driveway off county maintained road. Must have own chain saw, 4 x 4 vehicle with chains, cut own firewood, and help with chores. Inquire by e-mail (tseal@unr.edu) or by mail to Caretaker, PO Box 8353, Spring Creek, NV 89815.
SUBSCRIBE TO MINING JOURNAL FOR UP TO DATE NEWS ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal is your monthly source for news, legislation, how-to articles and more. A full year (12 issues) is still only $27.95; or get a print and online subscription for just $31.95 and get access to our last 16 years of articles online too. Published monthly since 1931. Visit us at www.icmj.com or call at (831) 479-1500 to get your subscription started today.